Dušan fell in love with Camp Ruskoka from the very first time he visited there. He became a very welcomed friend to the staff and was loved bhy participants for his outgoing attitude and willigness to spend every available hours teaching and playing and talking.
When we were aproached by the Executive Director of Ruskoka Alex Sakuta to help out builfding a challnege course at the camp – something Dušan talked to them about many time, we felt that it was absolutely a worthwhile project. And what an honour to Dušan and to all of us that the now real challenge course has been named Dušan’s Dare.
Here is a letter we just received from Alex and once he forwards photos from the kids on the course, I will update.

Thanks You Alex – Thank You everyone at Camp Ruskoka and Thank You all you young people who enjoyed and benefited from Dušan’s Dare!
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