Saturday, October 15,2011 will be remembered for a long time by everyone who came. And as the famous statement goes: “If you build it – they will come” it proved to be – oh so true! Personally, I couldn’t believe my eyes, when early Saturday morning group after group, one after another, people were lining up at Chicopee Ski and Summer Resort to register for the tournament. Finding out that we are actually booked to capacity was a definite highlight and in a second, all the work that went into organizing the tournament – getting sponsorships, running around to collect prizes and donations, all the stuff that almost makes you run your energy levels to the bare bottom – all that was gone. Oh yes – it was definitely worth of all the effort! Thank you so much to Liz ,Andrew, Bill and all Chicopee staff for awesome job!
Thank you all out sponsors:

And a huge THANKS to the volunteers – Mikey, Duke, Dan, Chris,David, Jennifer and Mike!
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