Our gratitude and thanks to all of you who have supported Dusan’s Foundation in 2011 – we sincerely hope you will continue and make the foundation even stronger in 2012!
Special thanks at this time go to Melanie Goodday from Halifax, N.S., who donated $200 just before Christmas. Melanie knew Dusan and had worked with him when she lived in Ontario. We so very much appreciate that she remembers and is always willing to support what Dusan believed in and worked for.
And words are not really enough to show our gratitude to John Pytel – yes – The Ettyville John – for donating $435 just before the end of the year. One of many Dusan’s disc golfing friends who keep showing their support time after time. Thank you John – Dusan is definitely smiling down at you and your donation will go a long way in helping us to enable youth in recognizing and realizing their potential!
I could write name after name here – all of you who have supported the foundation – THANK YOU! We love you all and will forever be grateful that you are helping us keep Dusan’s memory alive!
All my love

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