Sudbury Disc Golf Course Opening from Snap Magazine

This has got to be one of the most touching experiences for me. Don’t get me wrong – I am totally overwhelmed and deeply touched by everything that people who used to be strangers to me not too long ago, are doing to honor my son. But when Dean Aelick from Sudbury Disc Golf Club called to let me know that they were opening the course and dedicating it to Dušan… well, to be honest, he ended up teary eyed as much as I was and I was also pretty much lost for words.

The course opening got some very good publicity and here is what Snap Magazine published:

Sudbury Lion’s Club Disc Golf Course Opening

And speaking of Dean Aelick – what a great guy and a friend! He wanted to do something special in Dušan’s memory, wondering what would be the best line to put with the plaque which is now mounted on a large rock by the #1 tee. We thought it should be something that he remembers immediately when he thinks of Dušan – so the line now reads: “You gotta use the Canadian shield Deener!”How very Dusan and how very appropriate!

Here are a few pictures Dean sent us:

Thank You again all you great people of Sudbury!

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Hanna Trafford


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