Tag: youth

  • Camp Ruskoka and Dušan’s Dare

    Dan presented a cheque for $2000 to Alex Sakuta, Executive Director of Camp Ruskoka on March 4,2011. The presentation was made during Camp Ruskoka’s Winter Palace Ball – 25th Anniversary Annual Fundraiser. Funds awarded by The DušanNedelko Foundation will support the design and construction of  a challenge course – and we are honoured that the course will…

  • Letter from Portage Place

    Portage Place was one of the recepients of the Dusan Nedelko Foundation awards. To see what Portage Place is all about, click on the link below: Portage Place Website   This is one of the reasons we work very hard to make sure the Dusan Nedelko Foundation can support programs and organizations like the portage…

  • Cheque Presentation to Scarborough Outdoor Education Centre

    Kara made the trip to Scarborough Outdoor Education Centre to present a cheque for funds awarded in the first round of the Dusan nedelko Foundation financial awards. The funds will be used to purchase outdoor clothing to loan to students participating in overnight expeditions, making the guided experiences more accessbile, safe and comfortable.

  • First Round of Financial Awards – You Made it Happen!

    Fall Equinox 2010 marked a first for the Dušan Nedelko Foundation, our first financial awards to programs enabling youth through outdoor activity. This is an incredibly proud event for all of us. Supporting groups and organizations is now a reality – and it were your donations and your generosity that will be benefiting large number…

  • “Disc Man” to be remembered at Discstock

    Read the article online in the Almaguin News Rob Learn News Staff – SOUTH RIVER Sometimes the impact of someone’s life isn’t fully appreciated until after they are gone. That certainly appears to be the case of Dusan Nedelko, who died in a car accident last February, but whose efforts towards community betterment will continue…

  • Dušan in Cottage Country Now

    Even though it’s been almost 6 months since Dušan left us, I keep on running into more references and articles about his passions for Disc Golf, youth, the outdoors and his community. We’re coming up to Disc Stock August 26,27 in South River which will be a fantastic celebration of Dusan’s life, passions, and humour, I know all…